Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Space for Me!

I finally have a crafting place all for me!  The basement, or at least part of it, will now be home to all my beads and crafting items.  I have been trying to cut down on our household clutter for awhile now.  I am finally done!  After next week's yard sale I will be able to use my crafting table ( a drafting table I found for free!)  and get busy making jewerly to sell. 

I have also decided that I am going to have to have a major bead shopping trip.  I have tons but just not enough to go together and create something spectacular!   I also have to start working on stuff about 6 months early.  My spring line needs to be made in the fall... Winter in the summer... and so on.  

I would love to attend a jewerly making class.  The hard part will be finding one in my area.  Living in a small town doesn't help for things like this.  It also limits the bead buying unless I shop online but for me I love the physical part of shopping... the walking and browsing.  Can't do that for online shopping.   :)  

In closing I am going to share my Gem and Jewels for today:

Gem:  My grandma Patsy,  I learned a lot from her growing up and I think I got my crafting abilty from her.  I know I didn't get it from my mom (Mom's ability is limited to sewing a button on a shirt)  

Jewel:  No new jewelry or beads to talk about but I am excited for a place to finally make this happen!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! I'm so glad you got a space to yourself, as much as you can atleast.. I can't wait to see it later today.. and we will so have to go shopping soon! Can't wait! :)
