Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 1: The start of something new

I really need to either work harder at making and selling my jewerly or get a part-time job.  My hubby is the best for supporting our family while I stay home to take care of the children but with the kids getting older,  I would like to do more to help support our family.

I really need to make some decisions about what I want to do.  My true dream would be to own a business.  What kind of business is the question.  I love to make things but sometimes I question my ability to be creative and make things that people would buy.  I guess that comes from not getting a lot of praise as a child.  I am trying to over come that small problem that is holding me back.  

I also love to bake but only cookies.  Not really a fan of baking cakes and pies.  Don't get me wrong I love to eat cakes and pies just don't like to make them.  I know if I had a job baking I would love it but I would also eat a lot of cookies that I really don't need.  

My other option is going back to college... but for what?  What do I want to be when I grow up so to speak.    I have an associates degree in accounting and while I did really well in school I didn't love doing it.  My mother is a little disapointed that I didn't do anything with my degree.  Instead I got pregnant with twins and decided it would be better for the babies and (in the end) cheaper to stay home.

I am at the point where if I am going to get a job and have it for the rest of my life I need to have one I love. I can not do another one that I hate. 

In closing I am going to share my Gem and Jewels for today: 

My Gem (person who affected my today or this past week):  My Good friend Sarah!  So happy we got to go shopping together today.  :) 

I also feel like adding a lifetime Gem:  My husband.  He is amazing and treats me like a queen.  I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have him in my life.

My Jewel (Jewelry making) I bought some very awesome blue and clear crystals today.  (thanks Sarah for pointing them out)  I am hoping to make a beautiful bracelet with them soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so happy that I made it onto your blog! :) And you are very creative! Trust me, I love your jewelry and think lots of other people would too.. I can't wait to go on more shopping expeditions with you and can't wait to see what you do, whatever it may be, in the future.. :)

    Love ya!
